Forum Stowarzyszenia Polskich Fotografów Lotniczych AIR-ACTION
ZDJĘCIA LOTNICZE => Pokazy lotnicze => Wątek zaczęty przez: Agg w Styczeń 29, 2013, 09:04:28 pm
First of all, hello! I have already had the pleasure of meeting some of you in Bodø this summer, but to those of you who I have'nt met, my name is Fredrik, and I am from Norway. Here's a few pictures from the airshow season in Norway, hope you like them.
Oh yeah, this is my first post here, so be gentle ;)
Hello Fredrik! Nice to see You here on our forum :)
I like Your pictures especially 1, 2, 3
I have some remarks about framing but... Your first post... You want me to be gentle so...
I must say - Good job! :)
Hello Fredrik! Nice to see You here on our forum :)
I like 1,2 and 3
Thanks guys :)
I was just kidding, feel free to give me feedback on what I can do better as I want to improve :)
Velkomen min venn ;)
Tak w ogole to gosc chce do spfl sie dostac, nawet o paszport polski sie postara jak ozeni sie z Madzia ;)
Hello :) Your photos are incredible-my favourites are 1,5 and 6 ;)
Nice to meet you! Have fun!
very nice pictures
good quality, good crop
minor comments
No. 4 - IMO too much green and try tighter in the frame :)
No. 5 - maybe about 45 degrees to the right - catastrophical flight
No. 9 - a short shutter speed and the propeller is not spinning :(
welcome on board ;D
Hi Fredrik, really nice photo set.
The most I like are: 1,2,3,6
Small (really small and hopefully gentle :) ) suggestions for improvement:
3 - I would remove the 2 cars at the top. They distract focus and are not essential for the photo.
7 - I would change the framing and put the plane more to upper right
Hope you will stay with us for longer! All the best!
Hi Fredrik ! :) Nice to see you, my favourites pictures are 1, 3 and 2 :) ! Welcome :) !
Thank you for the warm welcome and the great feedback, it's much appreciated! :)