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Wiadomości - Oliver77

dnia: Wrzesień 18, 2016, 12:47:51 pm 1 SPRAWY SPFL - WE SPEAK ENGLISH / Foreign visitors / Odp: Airpower 16..constructive critisism

Oliver77 - try another image hosting service, for example http://www.bild.me/. Horizontal photos should be 1024 px on the longer side, the vertical ones - 680 px on the vertical side.

thx alot...this hosting service made it ..

dnia: Wrzesień 18, 2016, 12:46:41 pm 2 SPRAWY SPFL - WE SPEAK ENGLISH / Foreign visitors / Odp: Airpower 16..constructive critisism

Hello photographers,
My name is Oliver from Austria (currently based in Singapore). I am passionate aviation photographer and had the chance to visit the Airpower 2016 in Austria this year. I got in touch with Hesla via FB and asked him for cc for my pics I posted on FB. He advised me to join this forum and post some of my pics. I would appreciate your cc as it would help me to get better in what I love to do...aviation photography! Thx alot in advance..Oliver77

more on FB: https://www.facebook.com/oliver.santa.5/media_set?set=a.1748737022053019.1073741832.100007502142923&type=3&pnref=story

dnia: Wrzesień 18, 2016, 01:19:57 am 3 SPRAWY SPFL - WE SPEAK ENGLISH / Foreign visitors / Odp: Airpower 16..constructive critisism

Hi Oliver! Bigger size please!

Hi Ewa
Hi Lukasz

thx for your quick replies!

I have tried to upload in various sizes but still small pics are shown...can u give me a hint how to enlarge the pics? thx

dnia: Wrzesień 17, 2016, 04:51:40 pm 4 SPRAWY SPFL - WE SPEAK ENGLISH / Foreign visitors / Airpower 16..constructive critisism

Hello photographers,
My name is Oliver from Austria (currently based in Singapore). I am passionate aviation photographer and had the chance to visit the Airpower 2016 in Austria this year. I got in touch with Hesla via FB and asked him for cc for my pics I posted on FB. He advised me to join this forum and post some of my pics. I would appreciate your cc as it would help me to get better in what I love to do...aviation photography! Thx alot in advance..Oliver77

more on FB: https://www.facebook.com/oliver.santa.5/media_set?set=a.1748737022053019.1073741832.100007502142923&type=3&pnref=story
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